Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Gabriel's Medical Notebook

I love notebooks, I have a notebook for EVERYTHING!! I mentioned to one of Gabriel's nurses that I need to start a notebook for to keep track of Gabriel's appointments, medications, and all of his medical information. She went and grabbed a HUGE notebook put together by the hospital.

If you have a child or family member with a chronic illness ask a nurse or social worker in his doctors office or hospital if they have one. This is how I personalized Gabriel's!!

I didn't need the 3 inch binder so I'm using a 1 inch Cars binder. This is the picture on the cover.I have 12 tab dividers, 3 manila 2-sided pocket dividers, ruled notebook paper and a plastic sleeve that holds business cards.

Here are the tab details.

1. Calendar

Monthly Calendar- appointments
A day in the life of page- it lists his routine
My Care Schedule page- his daily medication and line care

2. Personal

All About Me page- personal info, ssn, allergies
About My Family page- parent and sibling info, religous info, and emergency contact
My Primary Care Provider page- Pediatrician name, address, phone, office hours, after hour procedure, and directions to office.


My Specialists page- clinic name, doctor name, address & phone
I also place his discharge forms from his visits here


This is where I put all of the results from his lab work or test. I just ask one of his nurse's to print them out.

5. Procedures

Procedure Log page- date, procedure name, finding, comments
Information handouts about the procedure

6. Pharmacy

My Medications page- list allergies, name and phone number to pharmacy. Date started med, date stopped med, medication name, dose, time(s) given and prescribed by
Information sheets about medication

7. Hospital

Hospitalizations page- date admitted/discharged, reason, notes, hospital
Emergency Room Visits page- date, emergency, what treatment worked best, hospital
Hospital telephone directory
Local restaurants- name, address, phone
Discharge papers

8. Home Health Care Agency- I use company name
Nursing Visit Record- summary form from visit

9. Insurance

Financial Medical Resources page- Insurance company name, address, phone/fax number, policy number, and contact person
Referral approvals from ins. comp.
Medical Bill Payments page- date of service, provider, total cost, amount insurance paid, amount family owes, date paid

10. Diagnosis

I put information about his diagnosis. Handouts from doctors office and information printed from internet.

11. Resources

Family Support Resources page- parent groups, religious organizations , counseling services information
Community Service Providers page
List of county services and referrals

12. Equipment/Supplies

Equipment/Supplies page- list of medical equipment and company providing it and medical supplies
Service Document- receipt for medical supply delivery

Pocket Dividers

Notebook Paper

Business Card Holder page- medical card, business cards for dr's, home health care contacts and nurses.

Here are some links:

Care Organizing Tools - printable pages to make your own notebook, towards middle of page

American Academy of Pediatrics
- Build your own Care Notebook