Friday, December 23, 2005

The Secret Life of our Little People

With all of our day to day responsibilities, we can over look the secret world our childeren have created to live and play in. I remember playing in the country with my cousin, we made up the silliest games and rules. Silly they may have been, but they were so important to us.

What made me think of this was something my 3 year old said to my 1 year old. She says "Connor, come here. I have something important to tell you." and he had a look of urgency on his face as he went to the room! I thought what could a 3 year old have to tell a 1 year old that is "important".

I'm happy that my children have a little peice of the world that is just for them. I'm so happy that my children play together peacefully (most of the time!) and enjoy being together. It bothers me today to see so many siblings fighting and spending no time together. It almost seems cool these days to be mean to siblings and put them down. Many parents say it's just nature but I disagree. Some bickering is natural, but it's our job to help them find a more productive way to resoulve there problems.

Bickering is a habit I'm working on with my 5 and 3 year old. Karen Andreola's "A Charlotte Mason Companion" has a great chapter about bickering. Although it's written about using Charlotte Masons ideas in homeschooling, I think it would be a great book for any mom to read.

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