Sunday, January 29, 2006

Victorian Decorating

Victorian Decorating In 6 Easy Steps!
by Michael Holland, from Old Fashioned Living

Victorian decorating is considered one of the most inticate of all the different interior decorating styles that you can choose from. The reason for this is because the colors, fabrics, furniture and decorations are all elaborate and full.

Victorian decorating is based on the period during the 19th century in jolly old England. So, the more authentic you want your Victorian room to be, you can expect that the furnishings and other decorative items can be quite expensive.

You will need to be very creative and crafty if you wish to make the most of this theme. But, it's possible to makeover a room with a Victorian style, even if you are on a tight budget.

Following is an example of how you can use Victorian decorating to transform the look of your living room:

Step 1 - So that you know the size of the area you have to work with, the first thing you should do before beginning your Victorian decorating is to measure the space of the room.

Step 2 - Use colors such as deep green, red, dark pink, mauve, burgundy, and purple for walls, rugs, upholstery and other accessory colors. These were the most popular colors of the Victorian period.

It's also a great idea to add crown molding and wallpaper borders around the top of walls. And don't be afraid to use more than one color when decorating the room.

Step 3 - You can choose rich wooden furnishings such as sofas and chairs when selecting furniture for Victorian decorating. The legs, backs and arms of these furnishings are carved to stand out, while the upholstery is usually velvet, embroidered fabrics, and brocade.

Accompanying these pieces are pillows that are created with similar fabrics, and trimmed with lace, frills, beading, ribbons or bows. The other furnishings in the room for Victorian decorating are various marbletop tables or they could be made of wood such as bamboo.

Step 4 - Decorations that are placed on the tables, such as candleholders, crystal lamps, porcelain figurines, or a vase of dried flowers, should be set on embroidered doilies to add affect.

All paintings are usually in gold or wooden frames. Other exciting Victorian pieces that can be added to the living room are a grandfather clock, porcelain dolls and decorative plates.

Other Victorian decorating accessories that you can add to the room to give it authenticity include paintings of young maidens, children, a portrait of your family, or perhaps of your ancestors.

Step 5 - When Victorian decorating windows, you need to make them elaborate with draperies, swags and braided tiebacks. Popular fabrics for the window are also brocades and velvet.

Step 6 - The floors of the living room can either be hardwood floors or wall-to-wall carpeting. But, no matter which flooring type you choose, it is a good idea to add an area rug that is fashioned in an oriental style to complete the authenticity of the Victorian decorating look.

As you can see, Victorian decorating is very involved and comes with a heavy feel to it. That being the case, make sure you pick a room that can handle this décor. That way, you can enjoy it to its fullest.

About the Author:Michael Holland is the creator of and His web sites offers lots of FREE decorating tips and ideas for decorating your home.

School Supplies

We are reading 'The Magician's Nephew' by C. S. Lewis. It's the first book in the Narnia series. Shelby really likes the story so far.

The Home Educator's Tutor has a daily Bible reading schedule that I want to follow.

For science this week we'll be studying Eagles.

I'm using Simply Numbers for math. Shelby really loves math so we zip right through it.

Shelby is reading very well! She reads a couple of lessons daily from her McGuffey reader and we do a page or two from her phonics book for review.

For copywork, I'm waiting for a new book from Queen Homeschool Supplies. They have a new series called 'Copywork for Young Ones'.

I really want to add more Nature Study. In 'A Charlotte Mason Companion' there are some great ideas for city dwellers!!

The Charlotte Mason House is a very nice CM website.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Paradise at Home

I have been waiting for the perfect house. I have imagined and planned what my perfect little kitchen will look like, my peaceful living room, and my tranquil bedroom. Why have I been waiting?

I have been thinking about this lately. No matter where I live I should try to make my home as lovely as possible. With this in mind I have been busy checking out second-hand shops, ebay, and some of my favorite online shops.

I started in the living room. I found a sofa and matching chair at a local shop. The fabric is tan with a blue floral design and wood trim. I'll take a picture as soon as I find my camera.

I found a new picture to put over the fireplace. The print appears to have been printed on actual canvas, it has a very realistic look. It came with a antiqued gold frame...perfect!! To the left is a picture of the one I found. "Little Irene" by Renoir.

On to the kitchen. I'm going to hide the blinds with curtains. Our kitchen window overlooks a grassy area next to the playground. I try to keep the blinds open for light, but in the evening I close them for privacy. I found some red toile sheer fabric on ebay to make curtains and a valance for the window. Fabric by Quilts N More

Decorating with Toile by Nikki Wilhite

Toile articles at

I added a hutch to a bare wall. I have wanted a hutch for so long. I finally found one at a local flea market for only $75.00. If you have more time than money, like I do, with some patience and leg work you can find some great deals out there.

For our 9th wedding anniversary, my husband let me order the china set I've been admiring. This is my first complete set of china, I can't wait to use it!! Tea with Grace has a few different patterns at resonable prices. The pattern I chose was 'Rose Bouquet' (below).

Here is a close up of the flowers. *pictures from Tea with Grace, above and below.

For a more tranquil bedroom I'm getting rid of clutter first. I'm a packrat in denile!! It's time for me to toss stuff I can't wear anymore. Our computer is in the bedroom, so I want to streamline the area. I would like to put some shelves on the wall and get a less bulky desk.

I bought a new king size feather down comforter from Simply Down. I won the bid for only $16.50! I plan to sew a duvet to protect the comforter. I'm going to use a toile fabric I bought from Shabby Divas Trim * Fabric.

*Prictures from Shabby Divas

Can you tell that I like toile? I think it can add a little elegance with out being too stuffy. However, I don't want to go too crazy with it.

My ebay tips!

Contact seller with questions before you bid.

Check out sellers feedback.

Find out what you will have to pay in shipping before you bid. Once my husband had to pay $60.00 in shipping for a $40.00 item because he did not ask before hand.

Do they allow returns?

How soon after payment do they ship items?

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Does Feminine Have To Mean Frumpy?

I don't think you should have to sacrifice style for modesty. It took a while to find a balance for me.

I had a frumpy farmer stage. I looked like I was being punished!! I found dresses to make me look the most frumpy. I really prefer to wear a skirt and cute top.

I have been searching for the perfect skirt pattern. I think I found it, Simplicity 4546.

I like the length and the different ruffle options. Depending on the fabric you choose and where you live this skirt could easily be worn year round. Here in Washington, I just wear tights instead of nylons when it's cold outside.

Things to do

This is a list of some things I need to do this week, January 1-7,2006.

1.Take down Christmas decorations.

2. Gather any documents needed for filing tax return.

3. Sort children's toys. Toss anything broken, missing pieces, or that is no longer played with.

4. Start on skirts for Spring.

5. Start a gift closet.